Neuro-Hackers, Neuro-Slaves: Lucien Cerise’s speech

Esoterism Political Philosophy Videos

Lucien Cerise talks about manipulation, neuro-hacking, and means of control.

This video, which we’ve cross-posted from AgenceInfoLibre, was originally published in 2014.

1. Introduction.
2. Hacking and cognitive programming.
3. The two steps of epigenetic neuro-hacking: phishing and triangulated conflict.
4. First step. Phishing: Invisibility and Impunity.
5. Karpman’s triangle, or how to become a victim?
6. Second step. How does the brain function and dysfunction?
7. Hacking the mimetic stereotyped and hierarchized brain’s functioning.
8. Virus’ anti-normative morphology.
9. Human and social sciences in the service of neuro-hacking.
10. Œdipus complex or “delayed gratification”.
11. The generalized triangulated conflict. Rational and methodical piloting of the war of all against all.