Bad Apples Pt. II: On the Jewish Mystical Core of Corruption

Blog EN Esoterism History Zionism

Please read Part 1 before proceeding.

At the apex of the triangle, two bad apples – an international banking cartel and and an international Zionist mafia – are above all law. Both movements, or groups, have institutionalized corruption for their own benefit, i.e., to hide their crimes in plain sight and conceal the fact that they are not only the main engineers, or principal conductors, of identitarian conflict, but also its main profiteers:

1. Power is increasingly being centralized at the national and supranational levels under a capitalistic system run by bankers who take advantage of, or profit off, petty conflict (e.g.: identitarian mimetic rivalries) because it makes people forget that they’re debt slaves.

2. The Western world is completely under Judeo-Zionist influence at the national and supranational levels; goyim in the West are being pit against each other for no good reason other than to turn their attention away from Jewish crimes.

We have here two bad apples with a unique capacity to silence people and abolish transparent policy-making:

1. (((Paul Krugman))) once said to Bernard Liaetar: “Never touch the monetary system“. The message is that you don’t criticize usury, and you certainly don’t boss around the BIS-run banking cartel. Policy-wise, it calls the shots. Wars? Its profits off them. In short, not much can be done to solve problems of debt, usury and wage slavery.

2.  Jewish Power is the power to silence criticism of Jewish Power. Every Western European goy knows that. Policy-wise, this stance makes it impossible for the U.S. or any Western European government to denounce the toxic, warmongering Jewish lobby.

Some argue that the end goal for both movements is a global communist dictatorship. This idea is plausible. After all, capitalism and communism have identical end outcomes: totalitarian control, via centralised monopoly control of the money system. On top of that, socialism is inherently messianic. Indeed, Jewish messianism in its Frankist form is at the heart of socialist thought, which leads me to my next point: both movements are also messianic. Consider the following points:

1. Goldman Sachs boss (((Lloyd Blankfein))) once said that he was “doing God’s work.

2. Popular French thinker and former civil servant (((Jacques Attali))) once predicted that the Westphalian state will be destroyed during the epochal chaotic transition to a global state with Jerusalem as its capital. [1]

This is no coincidence, for it is now a historically-proven fact that both bad apples are messianic movements rooted in occult hermetic and cabalist literature from the late Medieval-Renaissance period. Again, I offer two points to highlight this idea:

1. Colin McKay reveals how double-entry bookkeeping – the capitalist predator’s magic wand – has its origins in ancient Babylon, and was further developed by Renaissance Italian bankers as a tool to hide usury. According to him, the Renaissance was a critical juncture in western (and world) history because it marked a time when the nominally Christian West enthusiastically embraced morally inverted, contra-naturam cabalist and hermetic sophistries (e.g: Mandeville’s “Private Vices, Publick Benefits” and Bentham’s “Utilitarian Ethics”). The legalisation of usury during this period continues to serve as a covert weapon of earthly economic conquest/’utopia’..

2. Youssef Hindi reveals how the political Zionist movement is a Jewish messianic and kabbalistic project that dates back to the late Medieval-Renaissance period, during which a Kabbalistic sleight of hand was used to convince the orthodox rabbinate, and then the Church, to embrace active messianism (counter to the teachings of the Torah and the Talmud), and, in doing so, submit to the spiritual authority of an invisible priesthood which actively sought to repatriate the Jews to Palestine. The legalisation of active messianism during this period continues to serve as a covert weapon of earthly Zionist political conquest/’utopia’. 

Far too many well-intentioned people believe, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, the nonsensical idea that Adam Smith is the father of modern economics, and that Theodore Herzl is the father of modern Zionism. They ultimately struggle to understand that a very specific pathology of the spirit is the sin qua non of a New World Order: namely, the invisible Jewish mystical force which, starting in the late Medieval-Renaissance period, gradually took control of Time, Money, the Church, and eventually, the Nation.

This misconception has deep political and journalistic repercussions. Today, the alt right and alt-left movements, for instance, lack the spiritual substance required to challenge a supranational Zionist and banking mafia. On the right, many ethno-nationalists stoop so low as to openly praise the Jewish State and spew racist ideas that betray the teachings of Jesus Christ, all in the name of…wait for it…Western civilization; whereas on the left, hippie-like journalists proudly lull our minds with their half-baked, liberal pacifism which, without them even knowing it, plays right into the agenda of a satanic, globalist elite. In the end, it should come as no shock that contemporary radical movements fail to pose a serious threat to the prevailing status quo, for they are utterly incapable of forming a united front under the crucial objective of bringing the truths of the soul, of society, and of nature into a holistic integration of knowledge.

I firmly believe that the works of Youssef Hindi and Colin McKay, if read side by side, can rectify this issue by providing the layman with the conceptual tools to dispel some popular myths regarding the origins of the apex of the triangle. Indeed, their works can help him transcend the alt-right/left divide by offering him ways to radically rethink the core ideology and culture that drives corruption today, and in doing so, dispel the ridiculous myth that we would not be in this economic and geopolitical mess today if somehow we took classical political and economic liberalism more seriously.

We cannot pose a credible threat to the system without a robust understanding of what allowed the two “bad apples” to grow in the first place, nor without uniting under the common understanding that we are in the midst of a deep spiritual crisis. Unfortunately, our view of history shapes the way we act in the present, and I’m afraid the prevailing divisions across dissident circles indicate that we’ve become moral cowards. Yet I remain hopeful because McKay and Hindi’s findings on the late Medieval-Renaissance period provide us with a far more complete,  intellectually honest, and morally courageous historical perspective than what most of what mainstream and alternative journalism has to offer. 

Dear reader, you are now in a better position to understand why Transnotitia is in the business of translating Youssef Hindi and Colin McKay into English and French, respectively.


[1] See also: